Product characteristics:
Superb reliability and performance, low electricity consumption & high lumen output; every 5w equals incandescent 100w brightness, maintenance-free & long lifespan, plus superb heat dissipation performance. Also very simple and convenient for transportation.
The product core technology is keeping updated with time, the battery runtime is upgraded to the maximum length to keep the lamp operate on cloudy & rainy days.
Extra product features can be added upon the client's requirement, the extra cost would offset by the increased quantity.
How you can use this product?
1, to replace traditional streetlight: our integrated solar led streetlight would save you a tremendous electricity cost.
2, to use as the sole purpose to make money: the product itself can be considered free as traditional streetlight costs a huge amount of electricity which is far more than the cost of our integrated solar streetlight itself.
3, to utilize it in no electricity regions. When there is no electricity in a region, night means endless dark and indefinite danger. Using our integrated solar led streetlight can achieve equalized brightness the same as the region with electricity supply.
4, Comparing with traditional street lighting, our integrated solar led streetlights provide people the cheapest solution to implement lighting alongside streetlights.
Will the lamp demands extra costs such as wiring and pole?
No, the lamp itself gets energy completely from the sun. It completely demands no extra supply of external electricity, thus no wiring is needed. It does not demand a specialized pole, in this way, you can even install it on a wooden post.